With Sascha Altman DuBrul, I am the co-host of So Many Wings, a flock of misfits and changemakers. So Many Wings is a podcast that draws on our backgrounds in transformative mental health and social justice organizing to gather our people and share stories and visions as we struggle for collective liberation. This project is a node in the growing network of creatively maladjusted folks who are rising up and capturing the imaginations of people who are ready for change. We chose the name So Many Wings because there are so many ways to get free, and because we can only get free together, as a flock of misfits and changemakers moving through the world. We hope you’ll join us.

You can subscribe to the podcast on all the major networks, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, Stitcher, and more. To find out more about our show, visit our website: www.somanywings.org

Our Most Recent Episode

Embodying the Unbroken: An Interview with T. Aisha Edwards

March 11, 2021

Join us for a conversation with T. Aisha Edwards where we discuss recovering from complex trauma, somatics for liberation, Radical Rest, and so much more. Topics we cover include: Unburdening the impacts of socialized oppressions for POCs and Queer/Trans folks Using healing justice to support folks on the front lines of racial justice uprisings The … Read more

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